How to Clean your Oven with Natural Products

How to Clean your Oven with Natural Products

Cleaning your oven can be a hard task! People who are equipped with self-cleaning ovens are lucky, to say the least, while the rest of us are left scrubbing for hours, trying to get our ovens squeaky clean! Hours of hard work may be unavoidable, but there are alternatives to dangerous chemicals traditionally used to clean ovens.

The commercial industry does not always disclose the harmful components of their cleaning products that are being sold through user-friendly ads. In reality, the cleaning products we use are corrosive and capable of harming the oven material and human tissues, leading to scarring and burning. Read carefully, the bottle of the cleaners often recommends users to wear rubber gloves, cover the floors with newspapers, and secure the area from children and pets.

Commonly Used Chemical Products and Their Downsides

Butane: Commonly utilized as a propellant for aerosol applications, Butane is also found in smoke lighters and can cause asphyxia, cardiac arrhythmia, and drowsiness.

Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether: DEGBE is a blood and cardiovascular toxicant and can be responsible for severe damage to kidneys and liver.

Monoethanolamine (MEA): In addition to posing a huge risk of chemical burns and damage to eyes, liver, and kidney, MEA can also cause air passage irritation.

Sodium Hydroxide: Employed in cleaning products to dissolve oils and fats, Sodium Hydroxide is an irritant to the skin.

Natural Oven Cleaning Options

First Technique: For conventional ovens, citrus-based liquids are harmless degreasers. The routine would entail cutting two lemons in half and extracting the juice into a baking dish. The lemon skins can also be put into the dish. Fill the baking dish with a ⅓ cup of water and place it in the oven, heating it to 250 degree Celsius for 30 minutes. If the buildup is severe, you may leave the dish in for a more extended period. The method will cause lemon juice to evaporate and stick to the grime, causing it to loosen. Remove the dish and after the oven has cooled off, use a scouring pad to scrub away the dirt, employing steel spatula for bigger chunks. Sponge oven with lemon water until clean and ensure to turn on oven fan and leave a window open since ovens are likely to emit smoke during the cleaning process.

Second Technique: For any oven, baking soda and vinegar are extremely useful. The routine entails spraying vinegar inside the oven and sprinkling baking soda over the vinegar evenly. Leave the fixing and bubbling mixture to sit for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the severity of the build-up. End the process by sponging clean water on the insides of the oven. Chemical free cleaning will help keep our health and environment in good condition.

There is good news! You don’t have to go through the struggle of cleaning your oven for hours. Located on Richards Street, Vancouver, KIREI Cleaning Services provide all types of cleaning services, using eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products. Check out our services today at and call them at 604-363-2475 to book an appointment today!